Just feel'n like shareing today...... Some have asked where I get my faces well this is typically how it starts!
a vintage picture & what ever maybe in my head for the day..... sometimes it
amazes me what transpires!
I really love Eleanor can't wait to show the happy finished girl she has come to be!!! she is quite fanciful and had so many possible ways she could go..... (but seeing I have spring fever..... can you guess where I have gone..... well, of course silly!!!!
hmmmm she is going to be on
one tag one locket and she will also be
part of a larger collage I like her so much! Yeah!
I always fall in love with some of my creations it almost makes me giddy! LOL. I almost think I should do just a whole wall of heads...... My children may go into protest they always claim they 're being watched...... is that a bad thing? (I have a few flea market buys of people I don't know hanging on my walls
BECAUSE I like them! my oldest claims it's creeepy..... so far be it from me to make her more paranoid..... *enter evil laugh* moohahahaha ~evil mom! )
OK. anyway..... I don't go into steps they are mine as well as my creation so just let me infringe this is a
copyright of
mine just in case the zillion watermarks aren't reflecting that.... sorry but some people don't know that
NO MEANS NO!!!!!OK. here is my rant for the day ~since another blog brought it up (well about the gym...)
What is with people who go to the gym & wear the skanky-est cheap ass floral perfume??? seriously I'm on the next treadmill gasping for air here! OMG!!!! seriously when you sweat the stuff personifies!!!! I'm half way through my workout and unable to stop my pace and this chick who is super runner gets on the next treadmill with the worst cheap ass perfume..... dear god just kill me! WHOA! I would almost rather smell BO for godsakes! and the thing is your breathing deeply & can't hold your breath..... dear god just shoot me! (did I just say that again?)
any how I go & do my thing after the gagging at the treadmill and I'm about to leave and three little girls are walking the track & one of them has some nasty cheap perfume on too..... and she doesn't just pass me they kinda linger so I canNOT pass them prolonging the torture! (it's kinda like being stuck next to a pig truck in rush hour while your extremely hung over!!! yes, I've been there too! right after the all you can eat burgers (don't know if those are good are not oops!) and all the beer you can drink for $5. nite it was seriously ugly!!!!)
BUT dear god was there a perfume giveaway or was there just a memo on how to torture me at the gym circulating without my knowledge???? DAM!!!!
and what is a potlicker anyway??? sorry a co-worker just said it & wouldn't give me his 10 min definition.... but then do I really want to know??? I'm going with Nooooooo. hmmm OK. I'm done ranting (I think)
anyway, so I'm off to the races so much time so little to see.... stop wait ~reverse that!
you can see how my day is going to be!!!!!!!