Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Art for sale..... but just quirky words for the rated R group!

OK. sadly enough I have NO Artsy craftsy stuff today just words of a sarcastic nature that caught my fancy!!! Which I am finding hard not to be these days!
LOVE this slinky saying found on the Uncle fun sight!!! this is a cool shop on Belmont in Chicago! I highly reccommend! they also have a sweet shop across the street called Paperboy lots of paper goods and other cool bean things!
HEY it's Slinky it's slinky it's such a wonderful toy! it's slinky it's slinky fun for a girl and a boy!
Raindrops on roses and angora sweaters
One-upping your colleagues and besting your betters Six-figure bank accounts Good sex that's kinky All these mean nothing unless you have Slinky.
and the 2 top fun sayings are a couple of favs and reference my life as it is today! (John being my not soon enough ex! so I thought this was fitting!!!)
anyway, love these 2 they are all in good fun & meant to be offensive to everyone BUT in a good way!!!! LOL.

1 comment:

sMacThoughts said...

I took no offense at all. That second one is a riot! Love his smile. :)