Thursday, July 26, 2007

Where am I ???

I haven't any idea! I've been trying to get everything done at once and Bam! nothing is ever done ! I swear one second it's 5 pm & the next it's 12:30 am! Where is my time going??? I never seem to get it all done it's so discouraging! Maybe it's just my horrible mood! Anyway, I swear by this weekend I WILL have some art completed! until then you can look at my ugly mug! (This is a self portrait when I was 25 & in art school! My Aunt thought I looked homely in this but Hell I like it! It's back when my hair was awesome!) anyway, I may pull outta this funk sometime soon..... maybe. I need to view more art to perk me up!!!!!!! ATC "Coming Soon"!
Kissys! Tracey

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

~Rainy day blues~

Ok. usually I love rainy days but I'm kinda lagging behind today...... probally because I'm at work & not curled up & snuggling with my best baby (and she is quite the snuggler... such a plus!) I'm definatly not enjoying today!

Oh well, life doesn't seem to like me lately anyway, so I had to make some little fairies to lift my spirits! as you can tell I love to dress them!
and I've been in a vintage homespun mood as of late! My little captured fairy is a request to make more of my captured fairies! I had her hanging around & dress all ready for a atc along with poor Glory & I finally just put them together the poor little dears! tehy just looked so sad sitting there all alone! and I also made a sister to Midsummer bight dream!
however, I didn't get all that I have planned done...... so much to do & not enough time! Why is that??? my eyes just don't cooperate with me as much as I would like them to! LOL. Anyway, I have some more ATC's in the works & paper dolls & was going to try my hand at cloth & paper mache dolls too...... So all in good time I will post as I get them created in between swaps! Just trying to keep my brain busy don't ya know! Til then Thanks for looking! much Love!

Monday, July 9, 2007

~Hats off!~

It was a wonderful mail day today..... & in general a paper hat day!!!! I am so thrilled! I received my Nicol Sayre doll for one & yes, I'm still feeling naughty for buying her! But she looks so nice in my primitive cabinet that I can't part with this is one of my studio dispaly cabinets! I don't really have a whole lot in it at the moment.... The hands up top are when my older daughter was about 3 or 4, the photo is a sepia reproduction / restoration print I did of a way smaller print (about a wallet size up to a 5x7) which came out wonderful! this is of my great grandmother, grandma (who died very young) & my aunt..... I just loved the photo in fact alot of my favorite restored family photos need to go up but as you can see I haven't quite got there yet! (this is peek of part of my newly redone studio room) Still have quite abit to do in here so no more peeking!!!

Also I mentioned it was a paper hat day! Yvonne was good enough to do her version of paper hats for dummies tutorial for me! It is soooo cute! & not to mention a few little goodies Plus a pretty stellar Atc fairy!Thanks Yvonne! (aka Moline on Flickr) ~ that's my book on smashed fairys I bought ages ago that my statsh is nesting upon!

& Last but not least I know I kept forgetting to show my paper stash I bought from the paper source (I just ordered one more! ) & know I need to get to work! & use it now but like material it's so pretty! LOL.

they looked at me like I was going nutts! (hey it's not often I get to a "real paper store" Now I wish I had another of this green floral print (background I used for my NS doll!) Well, time to roll! Next time I hope to have something made for you with some of these!

(1st set of paper is a japanese cherry branch, a black paper with a 3d shiny dot, a camden fair floral, & a large gold with white polka dot, second set is a pink pattern piece, peach polka dot, green 18 century floral, a salmon pink with white pattern (3d) paper & last of all a large floral & bugs paper..... didn't have a purpose for it but it is so darn cool! )

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

a MiDsUmMeR nIgHtS dReAm ~

I almost forgot her What kinda mommy am I anyway! Shhhhh ~ I didn't post her to flickr quite yet..... I made a few for my swapbot swap and I like her sooo well, I am going to do 1 or 2 more! I think she turned out quite well! Thanks to Mervi telling me it was Midsummer holiday! & this is what came to mind! Now I messed up my patriotic tribute! but oh well, we are all here for the art right! (& I may just forget later on! ) ENJOY!

In the spirit~

.... of the day I have decided to put up my favorite photo of all time..... a phot that was taken when Theodore Roosevelt made his travel by train through our fair country side! If it's one thing our towns are ...... they are rich in history that molded this country! We are also the site of the first Lincoln Douglas debates (in 1863) here is a photo of the unveiling of the new mural that was unveiled a few days ago.... cost $43,000 to commission OUCH! It is 92 feet by 20 feet & is painted by the artisit Don Gray who was picked among the 20 other artist who submitted to do the Mural! truly it's gorgeous! I will have to make a happy trip over that way soon & take pictures of all the murals! I think there are about close to 12 now this being one of the largest & they are all quite impressive! (in Ottawa, Illinois corner of Jackson & LaSalle Sts.) this is directly across from the new Lincoln Douglas statues & the Reddick Mansion (Red huge home in the background of this paintng! & the real thing is in site across the park )
and yes, that would be Lincoln standing watching the unveiling! (Dr. BF McClerran a retired University professor who travels the State portraying the 16th prez!and a 2nd little bit better view.....and last another neat "oldie" when Herbert Hoover arrived by rail to greet the crowd! I love the pole climbers! If nothing else they are all cool to look at!
((( Have a Happy 4th of July!!!!)))

Monday, July 2, 2007

Just a quick note from the insane assylum!

Well, I did it I closed my eyes & splurged on all splurges..... BUT I had to have her..... ck her out! Nicol Sayre doll! I also LOVE Fannie & Betsy but.... Nicol's dolls sell like wildfire & were gone in a matter of OH 10 minutes! that's so insane! Can't wait to meet Glory! Have her spot all ready to go for her.... at that craziness I will be looking at her constantly! yes, I'm insane I know but what beautiful dolls! she's definatly worth checking out!!! I hope to be as wonderful at it one of these days! RiGHT......... Wake up girl! LOL. anyway, here is a happy gnome to brighten up your day! (made for a swap!)

It's been such a slow process Lately but I will have a ton more to show soon! Plus what my studio room looks like! Almost finished I'm soooo tickled!

Let me know what you think about the new header.... finally something that looks 1/2 way descent! Enjoy!