Thursday, July 26, 2007
Where am I ???

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
~Rainy day blues~

Monday, July 9, 2007
~Hats off!~

Also I mentioned it was a paper hat day! Yvonne was good enough to do her version of paper hats for dummies tutorial for me! It is soooo cute! & not to mention a few little goodies Plus a pretty stellar Atc fairy!Thanks Yvonne! (aka Moline on Flickr) ~ that's my book on smashed fairys I bought ages ago that my statsh is nesting upon!
& Last but not least I know I kept forgetting to show my paper stash I bought from the paper source (I just ordered one more! ) & know I need to get to work! & use it now but like material it's so pretty! LOL.
they looked at me like I was going nutts! (hey it's not often I get to a "real paper store" Now I wish I had another of this green floral print (background I used for my NS doll!) Well, time to roll! Next time I hope to have something made for you with some of these!
(1st set of paper is a japanese cherry branch, a black paper with a 3d shiny dot, a camden fair floral, & a large gold with white polka dot, second set is a pink pattern piece, peach polka dot, green 18 century floral, a salmon pink with white pattern (3d) paper & last of all a large floral & bugs paper..... didn't have a purpose for it but it is so darn cool! )
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
a MiDsUmMeR nIgHtS dReAm ~

In the spirit~

and yes, that would be Lincoln standing watching the unveiling! (Dr. BF McClerran a retired University professor who travels the State portraying the 16th prez!

Monday, July 2, 2007
Just a quick note from the insane assylum!

It's been such a slow process Lately but I will have a ton more to show soon! Plus what my studio room looks like! Almost finished I'm soooo tickled!
Let me know what you think about the new header.... finally something that looks 1/2 way descent! Enjoy!