Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~ wOrN oUt pLaCeS ~

Well here I am again......
I have been so inclined by looking at other art and feeling like it was high time to get off my dead and do a few soulful peices that I have been wanting to create.
I ran across this picture of the older couple who are still close together and holding hands so warmly for their picture, it made me envious of their will....
wether it 's truth or just the fiction running amuck in my brain it would be wonderful to know you could have but one true love in this life.
Something that would stick like glue with a little hard work...... and just exist forever!
Hence the Name of this peice is "Promise of Love Everlasting".
In a throw away society wouldn't it be kvell to have such promise.....

I guess somewhere in my ramblings I should have established where and why this came about. I had done these pictures of old abandoned ..... worn out..... places many moons ago. They are my favorites and a series thet is near & dear to me.
It's a group I keep coming back to because let's face it they are how I usually feel anymore in this life.
It just seems to me that these are more serene moments where there is only you & your soul standing in the middle of nowhere, wind whistling, sunlight warm on your face and no more trouble of everyday life to procure.
Just you the sunlight and the wind wondering aimlessly about just happy to breath in and breath out, no cares , and no worries.
Of course it could be that I have been listening to Mad World by Gary Jules (Tears for Fears)

Anyway, the apples signfy love, prosperity, fertility, and growth. the feather is a uplifting of thoughts. The water signifies keeping their love above water and eventhough there are some ripples they can still see their reflection as a couple together still holding on. Life is about keeping it all afloat whether it is in the past, present or future ......
Some days it's sitting on that sill waiting for you to notice it's presence
but wherever you are, it's there waiting for you..... you just have look through the darkened room and notice.

OK. enough of this deep dark meaning behind my merky mind.
I hope that you will enjoy the images.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Now Open!!!

Here's the Banner for my new Etsy called the Striped Raven! I have alot of my artwork and some newly added dolly clothes Also I will be adding a liquidation of rubber stamps! along with a multitude of supplies! should prove to be quite a selection!

Here are a few ATC's I have decided to part with that are older classics!

Also I have some of my wearable art that is available still some are not posted that are available! so asking is a good thing! you may catch all of my stuff on flickr!!!! (please leave me a note there when possible I ck there more than my blog at the moment BUT things are getting pretty close to the iron on there and I am sure sooner or later I will be asked not to post my link to etsy..... Anyway! they are always trying to crush the little guy! OK. kids! see me! promise to be posting more Art work in the near future! these HOT days do absolutely NOTHING for me!

Come on FALL!!!!!!!!! who like sticky weather where you have to energy suck and there are bug galore! YUCK!!!!! I want it all ! nice comfy clothes, no coat, and fresh cool air! (ok. not the nuts winter air we don't really want to get crazy..... I just don't want to heat or cool my nest!!!! Bills with this economy are INSANE enough and let's face it folks it's only DOWNHILL! pretty scary and another very long rant!!! UGH!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Art for sale..... but just quirky words for the rated R group!

OK. sadly enough I have NO Artsy craftsy stuff today just words of a sarcastic nature that caught my fancy!!! Which I am finding hard not to be these days!
LOVE this slinky saying found on the Uncle fun sight!!! this is a cool shop on Belmont in Chicago! I highly reccommend! they also have a sweet shop across the street called Paperboy lots of paper goods and other cool bean things!
HEY it's Slinky it's slinky it's such a wonderful toy! it's slinky it's slinky fun for a girl and a boy!
Raindrops on roses and angora sweaters
One-upping your colleagues and besting your betters Six-figure bank accounts Good sex that's kinky All these mean nothing unless you have Slinky.
and the 2 top fun sayings are a couple of favs and reference my life as it is today! (John being my not soon enough ex! so I thought this was fitting!!!)
anyway, love these 2 they are all in good fun & meant to be offensive to everyone BUT in a good way!!!! LOL.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ohhhh Dam I have Spring fever!

Alrighty then here are my new mystical girls! Eleanor is the "nesting Faery she is soooo Poe! Still to me she is the most enchanting....I may just snag her for myself, however she is the finished product from "the head"!!!! Sounds like a Alfred Hitchcock film!!!!
Then there is Goat goddess she is really the one that takes care of the whimsical & fantastic ~enchanted land..... she loves to rest among the posies.

and my last girl she is the lands' faery priestess, regal to all she appears to......
I have so many charecters so little time ~I have at least a dozen little ladies to finish they have a face and are connected to a body whew! however, a whole lotta work goes into the final tag! it's a job trying to come up with thier little personalities! not to mention everything else! plus I have quite a few new flea market finds that have yet to go into"creation" ! yes, I just love making the faces...... some think I'm insane because all I do is play play play! hey that is what PS is for!!! and it so happens to be MY JOB!!!! (sort of... being a PS goddess yes, playing with my vintage pics no.... oops!) anyway, if you like my little freaky creations you have quite a few to look forward to~
I hope you'll leave me a line of what cha' think! I love feedback! like water it helps me grow!!!!
well, goodnight farewll so long and all that jazz! off to play! AGAIN!

Friday, April 11, 2008

shhhhhh HEY! what's that???

Just feel'n like shareing today...... Some have asked where I get my faces well this is typically how it starts! a vintage picture & what ever maybe in my head for the day..... sometimes it amazes me what transpires! I really love Eleanor can't wait to show the happy finished girl she has come to be!!! she is quite fanciful and had so many possible ways she could go..... (but seeing I have spring fever..... can you guess where I have gone..... well, of course silly!!!!
hmmmm she is going to be on one tag one locket and she will also be part of a larger collage I like her so much! Yeah! I always fall in love with some of my creations it almost makes me giddy! LOL. I almost think I should do just a whole wall of heads...... My children may go into protest they always claim they 're being watched...... is that a bad thing? (I have a few flea market buys of people I don't know hanging on my walls BECAUSE I like them! my oldest claims it's creeepy..... so far be it from me to make her more paranoid..... *enter evil laugh* moohahahaha ~evil mom! )
OK. anyway..... I don't go into steps they are mine as well as my creation so just let me infringe this is a copyright of mine just in case the zillion watermarks aren't reflecting that.... sorry but some people don't know that NO MEANS NO!!!!!

OK. here is my rant for the day ~since another blog brought it up (well about the gym...)
What is with people who go to the gym & wear the skanky-est cheap ass floral perfume??? seriously I'm on the next treadmill gasping for air here! OMG!!!! seriously when you sweat the stuff personifies!!!! I'm half way through my workout and unable to stop my pace and this chick who is super runner gets on the next treadmill with the worst cheap ass perfume..... dear god just kill me! WHOA! I would almost rather smell BO for godsakes! and the thing is your breathing deeply & can't hold your breath..... dear god just shoot me! (did I just say that again?) any how I go & do my thing after the gagging at the treadmill and I'm about to leave and three little girls are walking the track & one of them has some nasty cheap perfume on too..... and she doesn't just pass me they kinda linger so I canNOT pass them prolonging the torture! (it's kinda like being stuck next to a pig truck in rush hour while your extremely hung over!!! yes, I've been there too! right after the all you can eat burgers (don't know if those are good are not oops!) and all the beer you can drink for $5. nite it was seriously ugly!!!!)
BUT dear god was there a perfume giveaway or was there just a memo on how to torture me at the gym circulating without my knowledge???? DAM!!!!
and what is a potlicker anyway??? sorry a co-worker just said it & wouldn't give me his 10 min definition.... but then do I really want to know??? I'm going with Nooooooo. hmmm OK. I'm done ranting (I think)

anyway, so I'm off to the races so much time so little to see.... stop wait ~reverse that!

you can see how my day is going to be!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Me Bad!

Oh I have been away for far too long...... first I'm playing then I'm working & trying to create in between....... What the hell is wrong with this picture!!!! LOL. no happy mediums here in my world! (OK. down to the fun HEY! and I can't even type a simple word this is going well........ )

I've been stuck in a world of myth lately as you can see with my divine Ram girls! I have a ton of these frames BUT do you think I can find them all now that I have a use for them??? of course NOT! what is up with that??? they use to be used for old watch displays and being into textures.... I felt compelled to use them! Yeah me!
OK. I'm a bit giddy 8 hrs in front of a computer screen only to be followed by more hours at home I can almost see at night....... eeeek!

Here are my new and finest girls!!! in thier best of dress and flights of fancy....they have been taking on quite a folklore look or maybe it was my sweeney todd influence...... ( a very lovely visual movie scenic wise ...but they get a little carried away with the blood spray.... and the singing parts a a bit weak of course I have seen the original broadway play with Angela Lansbury.... so this kinda pails in comparison that way.... but the overall feel was quite the Tim Burton splender that I love...... NO you can never please me!!! LOL.)
What ever runs through my mind no one knows.... it's been rather crowded in there lately! LOL. with all the horned things and nested blings nature is keeping a hand this spring in the land of forgotten dreams!

Yes, it's true I always get spring fever & quite bad too! they always have to tie me & my change purse down so that we both behave!!! Not to mention my mind has gone amuck..... amuck amuck amuck amuck amuck amuck ..... OK. Stop that! at any rate all these have either gone to ebay or are there at present..... hoping they go to homes that will enjoy & delight and definatly appreciate in them as much as I have! FREE BIRD hey who has the lighter??? (the song free bird that goes on & on &on & on..... my not soon enough ex husband was a DJ and this song was a huge pet peeve! so I felt compelled .... part my little dark humor ~tee hee!!!!)ok. no wonder I have been getting into movies like war of the Roses!!! LOL.)
I wasn't quite sure what to do with this poor bald dear....... but she turned out rather fancy if I do say so myself..... she's a nature activist not that it doesn't make this little birdie quite happy! that this wild woman has a mean glare!!!

and what a bout this poor polka dotted dear! she is so properly waiting for her spot of tea my Oh my where can everybody be???

and finally I have some rather cool lockets.... if you would like to purchase any please go to my flickr page and mail me! they are $28. and are everybit as lovely as the tags and you can wear them everywhere.... Thanks & tune in soon! I have some lovely behive ladies & a goat girl among others to introduce right quick! you won't be disappointed!

Monday, March 10, 2008

OK...OK... I'm awake mom!

Alright I have been bad & lazy & playing with my blythe dolls far too much these days!!! (Fionna Skye, Ruby Cate, Sophia Grace, and Lulu Belle send thier regards!!!) So getting back at the helm is in the spring air!!! I have several creations in the works! & they are divine looking girls if I must say so myself! there are a couple of lovely ladies who are familar faces (my favorites of sorts.... I try not to pick favorites but but darn they are cute!) and a few new and some that have just been lurking in the shadows waiting for me to introduce them!
My my where are my manners!!! at any rate I have a few I can show off today..... Can you tell they are dieing for SpRiNg to have sprung??? (these lovely ladies went to a swap~ however they have some friends who are about to emerge on the scene they will first be announced on flickr and make thier appearance on ebay! somewhere towards the end of this week.... I Hope!)

I am also in the "experimental stages" of pickling these lovelies...... so they may accompany you and see the world! But I don't know as of yet if I have it all quite right! Hmmmm they are tricky little ones and it's hard to get them to sit quite right when they are wiggleing so much! I may have to wait & see when they are right between that place where they are awake & asleep so they will be more inclined to let me work!!!! But here's the girl who gave me a fight! Mercy! she was a tough one to pickle! but still isn't she lovely just the same? Hopefully I shall have some answers soon so these wee little ones maybe on thier merry way! (to ebay that is! you''ll have to watch my flickr for a heads up though..... you'll only have 5 days once they come out to play!!!) these look to be most promising too! she looks far better than her captured reflection......

Oh what is a girl to do!?!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh NO! it's your lucky day???

Pay It Forward
Yellow fairy bug Queen invited me to take part in this Pay It Forward challenge.Why not!!!! I am willing to play! I will send a handmade gift/thingy/something to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this "Pay It Forward" exchange. I don't know what that gift will be, and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! And truthfully, it will probably be later than sooner! The only thing you have to do in return is "Pay It Forward" by making the same promise on your blog with a link back to me. So basically, if you comment I'll send you something crafty that I'll make! Once you sign up, copy and paste the above paragraph on your blog, and three other lucky people will be the recipients of your handmade work. You must post this on your blog to be eligible.